our vision

Electrify Everything, sustainably

Over the next 10 to 20 years the world will undergo a revolution, the Electrification of Everything, the likes of which have not been seen since the industrial revolution.

Virtually everything that is currently powered by coal, gas or oil – will powered by renewable energy, be it hydrogen, created by Electrolysis (Electricity and Water), Solar, Wind, Hydroelectricity, or (unfortunately) nuclear.

Consider: The quantities of electricity that will be required to power every gasoline or diesel powered vehicle in the world is unimaginably vast… and will need to be generated and stored, safely and sustainably.

You are already on the journey to the Electrification of Everything.

Perhaps you are at the start of the process considering the addition of Solar, or further advanced with the addition personal storage systems or perhaps, you are one of the rare few that is completely electrified with energy independence and electric vehicles.

We understand this journey, have been on this journey for 15 years and we are perfectly positioned to advise, solve for, service and support your journey.

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Case Studies

17.4kw solar install in Anglesea, Victoria

City to Surf Solar designed a solution that involved installing 40 solar panels on the curved, flat roof surface. We installed a 17.4kW SunPower Maxeon 6 system with factory integrated Enphase Inverter and SunGrow Battery Module.

30kw solar install for Ceres Distilling Co

Ceres Distilling Co is a craft vodka and gin distillery in Geelong. City to Surf Solar installed a 30kW solar system on the roof of the distillery, the system included 78 SunPower Performance Panels, and a Sungrow 30kW inverter.

How do we do it

We use state of the art technology

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